September 21, 2023 | Bridget Wood

Why You Need To Repel Your Customers (trust me on this!)

Ok, so you’ve narrowed down your Dream Client, and you know exactly what you need to do to attract them. (If you don’t, go back and read this blog post!)


Now I want you to think about who you need to repel.

Yep, you read that right.

I want you to turn clients away. I’m going to show you the power of the niche.

Why You Need to Be Picky

I can already hear what you’re thinking: “I can’t afford to be that picky!”

This kind of thinking needs to be nipped in the bud.

Being clear on your Dream Client, and being open only to your Dream client, is a shortcut to making money.

Saying you can’t afford to be picky is like saying you can’t afford to pay rent for a coffee shop until you’ve started selling the coffees.

Um…that ain’t gonna happen until you’ve got a shopfront, right?

Believe it or not, you need to repel potential clients.

Stay with me, here.

If a customer realises early on that their checklist of wants doesn’t align with your style, this is a GREAT thing. It’s what I call dodging a bullet.

Take Susie. She wants to do a highly posed family shoot. She’s bought the whole family matching T-shirts. The only time they have free to shoot is 1oam on a Sunday morning which happens to be your birthday, and there’s a cost of living crisis so
they’re looking for the CHEAPEST DEAL they can find, ok?

If you know your DCP inside out, and your content is tailor-made for them, then Susie’s going to take one look at your Insta and decide you’re not the photographer for her.

You’ll never even know she was there.

Hallelujah to skipping the whole email back-and-forth debacle and not even bothering with the haggling and negotiating!

On the flip side, your Dream Clients will love your content so much you might not even hear from them until you get that cha-ching booking.

No questions asked, because your website’s already answered them.

Admin time, squashed.

My business didn’t take off until I was brave enough to start saying one little word:
No to clients who didn’t align with my vision.
No to clients who didn’t value my time.
No to clients who didn’t respect my artistry.
No to being overworked, underpaid, and stretched to breaking point.
And guess what happened when I finally honed in on my niche and started saying no to anyone outside it?

I had the time and space to say HELL YES to my Dream Clients.

This sounds simple, but I know how scary it is to turn down work, especially when your business isn’t profitable yet. But I also know it’s the only way to get serious about making big money, and living the life you’re dreaming of.

If you need help finding your niche, I’m going to show you how to do it step-by-step in my free Dream Client Masterclass.

Sign up here and let’s start practising those no’s!

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"If a customer realises early on that their checklist of wants doesn't align with your style, this is a GREAT thing. It’s what I call dodging a bullet."

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"If a customer realises early on that their checklist of wants doesn't align with your style, this is a GREAT thing. It’s what I call dodging a bullet."

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"If a customer realises early on that their checklist of wants doesn't align with your style, this is a GREAT thing. It’s what I call dodging a bullet."