October 1, 2023 | Bridget Wood

Cure yourself of Imposter Syndrome for good

Suffer from Imposter Syndrome? You’re not alone.

Even Hollywood’s biggest stars like Hugh Jackman and Meryl Streep admit to experiencing their own moments of doubt. (See, you’re in good company!)

The bad news? If it’s unavoidable for them, um, it’s probably not going anywhere for me or you. Sorry.

The good news is that it’s totally manageable. Actually, I think that’s what helped me deal with my own Imposter Syndrome the most. 

It helped me to know that while I might never get rid of it completely, I could learn to deal with it. Just like the less fun parts of photography — hello, invoicing — while Imposter Syndrome may be a reality for most of us, it doesn’t need to be behind the driving wheel. 

Understanding Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome is like a stealthy intruder, creeping into your thoughts and making you question your competence. It’s that voice that asks ‘hey, who are you to charge these prices? You haven’t even been in the game that long!’

It whispers to you that you’re not deserving of success. It makes you feel like you’re playing dress-ups as a capable photographer. When actually? Any minute now you’ll be unmasked as a fraud…even if you’re highly skilled, and highly-acclaimed.

This sucks for everyone.

But it really sucks for new photographers. 

You may be labouring tirelessly, yet still grappling with the notion that you’re totally faking it. 

And you know what that self-doubt leads to?

Undercharging for your services.

Burning out.

Struggling to say no. 

You are not expected to be an overnight success, but we live in a world where we’re constantly fed an over-polished final product. We rarely see the behind the scenes, the blood, sweat and tears that took place in order to create this thing. We just see how far away we are from that ourselves.

I haven’t found a perfect cure, but I have found 5 things that have worked for me in overcoming Imposter Syndrome:

1️. Acknowledge your accomplishments

Have you ever noticed that if you get nine compliments and one criticism, it’s the criticism that’ll rattle around in your head for days? You probably can’t even remember what the compliments were about, but you’ll have that criticism memorised word for word!

For most of us, we’re hard-wired to focus on the negative. So step one of dealing with Imposter Syndrome is about teaching yourself to let the praise sink in.

Take a moment to reflect on your journey so far. It’s easy to focus on what lies ahead, without stopping and reflecting on how far you’ve actually come. Take the time to write down the accomplishments you are most proud of. Maybe it’s delivering your first gallery. Maybe it’s getting a positive review. Maybe you’re really proud of the way you edited a particular shot. These don’t have to be ground breaking achievements, but give yourself a second to acknowledge the little wins. They matter!

2️. Cultivate a strong support network

A great way to navigate Imposter Syndrome, in any industry, is to surround yourself with like-minded people. Fellow photographers and mentors who understand the journey can uplift and encourage you. They just get it! Having a safe space to openly share your experiences, challenges and successes will help you combat that self-doubt and feel empowered. That’s a win!

3️. Practice positive self-talk

Challenge any negative thoughts with positive affirmations. You might feel silly at first, but practice makes perfect. Remind yourself of the positive feedback you’ve received from clients and the impact your business has made. Your work matters, and your clients believe in you!

4️. Celebrate imperfections

Perfection doesn’t exist. Shocking, I know! Embrace the fact that mistakes and setbacks are a natural part of growth. They’re not indicators of your worth but stepping stones toward improvement. And mistakes are the best possible way to learn!

5. Invest in growth

Enlist a coach, take courses, or elevate your skills. Learning is a powerful tool against Imposter Syndrome. By seeking guidance and expanding your knowledge, you not only gain expertise but also bolster your confidence. It’s like proof to your inner critic: you’ve got the training and the goods to back yourself up! 

It Can Be Done!

Imposter Syndrome is a battle that most creative people face. Yep, that includes photographers. 

But, armed with the tools to combat it, you can break free! Acknowledge your achievements, surround yourself with positivity, and practice resilience. You’ve got this! 

Got questions about navigating Imposter Syndrome as a photographer, or any other photography related questions? I’ve love to help. You can reach out to me on social media or send me an email 

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Cure yourself of Imposter Syndrome for good

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